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Also, while I appreciate the personal and historical context, one has the feeling she is often airing personal complaints against the wrong version of feminism taking over. Her complaints about feminism are kinda hard to cover in a brief review. She makes some interesting points, but still seems to harbor a lot of resentment toward those feminists who have it all wrong (according to her). This would be the substance of an interesting essay, and her personal experiences within feminism would make for an interesting memoir. But then that brings us to the issue of, is this really the right context? We have not amassed enough testimony to let the world know the sexual pathologies and horrors women endured prior to the existence of dependable birth control. It evokes fear within me just to imagine a world where every time a female is sexual she risks being impregnated, to imagine a world where men want sex and women fear it. In such world a desiring woman might find the intersection of her desire and her fear. We have not amassed enough testimony telling us what women did to ward off male sexual advances, how they coped with ongoing marital rape, how they coped with risking death to deal with unwanted pregnancies. We do know that the world of female sexuality was forever changed by the coming of feminist sexual revolution." I'm very glad I read this book. The intersectional discussion of feminism was really interesting and made a lot of sense. There's a big emphasis on intersectionality in feminism nowadays, which I appreciate and agree with, but it's been a little difficult for me to envision how everything would work together in terms of policy and activism. This book was so helpful in this regard, and in that sense it was very valuable to me. I also really appreciated the more personal bits where bell hooks talked about her own life and how she came to be a feminist.

I would never recommend it as an introduction. No one barely becoming interested wants to know only why feminism failed or who broke it, when so many would dispute that it even was diminished. This book would turn off any newcomer. Butuh beberapa waktu untuk menyelesaikan buku 160 halaman ini. Selain begitu serius membicarakan paham sosialisme yang satu ini, buku ini menjelaskan perintilan-perintilan kecil tentang pemikiran dan praktik feminisme. Dengan begitu, pembaca seakan-akan diajak menguliti feminisme. Pertama aku mau bahas faktor dari segi bahasa ya. Meskipun ini bukan alasanku DNF buku ini, tapi ini menjadi salah satu alasanku untuk memberikan rating rendah. Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression." I love this definition...I love it because it so clearly states that the movement is not about being anti-male. It makes it clear that the problem is sexism. And that clarity helps us remember that all of us, female and male, have been socialized from birth on to accept sexist thought and action. As a consequence, females can be just as sexist as men. And while that does not excuse or justify male domination, it does mean that it would be naive and wrong-minded for feminist thinkers to see the movement as simplistically being for women against men. To end patriarchy (another way of naming the institutionalized sexism) we need to be clear that we are all participants in perpetuating sexism until we change our minds and hearts, until we let go of sexist thought and action and replace it with feminist thought and action."Where I stand unconvinced is the idea that feminism is for "everybody." No ideology has every answer and the attempt to apply it everywhere always fails. Where said ideology is weak is where its downfall occurs. In this case it is the inability of feminism to be resolved with class, likely because class politics is often the central concern of men. This in turn limits what intersectionality can do politically. At the same time, there is no accounting for feminism's weak points. The feminism of the variety championed by Hooks, which has since become ascendant, will have unintended negative consequences. The persistent failure of thinkers, be they communists, Randians, or feminists to accept limitations on their ideology or account for possible future failure is depressing, but it seems inevitable. hooks covers so much ground, so many facets of feminism in this work. From what consciousness raising is, to reproductive rights, to the impact of beauty standards, race and gender, classism, parenting, hetero and LGB relationships... Feminism is about love, and more, it's about freedom for men and women, to get away from the toxic societal models that are literally killing us. Problematically, for the most part feminist thinkers have never wanted to call attention to the reality that women are often the primary culprits in everyday violence against children simply because they are the primary parental caregivers. While it was crucial and revolutionary that feminist movement called attention to the fact that male domination in the home often creates an autocracy where men sexually abuse children, the fact is that masses of children are daily abused verbally and physically by women and men. Maternal sadism often leads women to emotionally abuse children, and feminist theory has not yet offered both feminist critique and feminist intervention when the issue is adult female violence against children. In a culture of domination where children have no civil rights, those who are powerful, adult males and females, can exert autocratic rule of children. All the medical facts show that children are violently abused daily in this society. Much of that abuse is life threatening. Many children die. Women perpetuate this violence as much as men if not more. A serious gap in feminist thinking and practice has been the refusal of the movement to confront head-on adult female violence against children. Emphasizing male domination makes it easy for women, including feminist thinkers, to ignore the ways women abuse children." Aku tidak kaget bila ada yang memaktubkan buku ini sebagai kitab para feminis, terutama bagi mereka yang radikal. Dan simaklah pernyataan berikut. Aku pikir ini masalah terjemahannya, tapi ternyata beberapa pembaca yang membaca versi bahasa Inggrisnya juga mengeluhkan hal yang sama denganku.

If I had been a newcomer the aforementioned issues would have immediately turned me off and I'd have abandoned this book. As someone who is more familiar with feminism I finished it out of spite.


Me encantó este libro, porque me parece que la visión desde la cual habla bell hooks, una mujer afroamericana, se refleja mucho en las diferentes situaciones que pueden vivir las mujeres que vienen de distintos entornos en Latinoamérica. Algunas tienen más privilegio, mientras otras tienen trabajos mal remunerados, y van quedando al margen. Toca este tema, y como es importante la solidaridad entre mujeres no solo en el hablar de feminismo, y como hay algunos temas que si son ineludibles en el feminismo, como el derecho al aborto, a la educación, etc. Aku DNF buku ini dan memutuskan tidak melanjutkannya lagi. Ada 25 halaman lagi yang kupikir tidak akan kubaca karena sejujurnya ada hal yang sangat mengganjal buatku. Namun, sayangnya buku ini masih penuh dengan jargon-jargon yang seringnya juga repetitif hingga seperti kehilangan maknanya. Every chapter contained some snide asides or bitter remarks on people hooks claims aren't "real feminists", anyone who doesn't align with hooks' own personal opinion was sidelined. She often bemoaned the fact that these fake feminist women are often the ones who get the media attention and become the face of the movement, like, honey??? are you aware that you are one of the most famous feminists in the world??? Why are you so bitter? It was hella weird and unprofessional, and not the right place for a book that claims to be a primer for basic feminist theory.

As long as it is, much more research should have gone into the book; it should have relied far less on the crutch of Hooks' own experience, and more on quotes from other people. It seems as if this entire book was banged out in her study one afternoon, presenting the entire rest of the movement as nameless and faceless groups who all fit into one of several molds. (The early "radical" movement, the later "classist white-supremacist" movement, or the splintered "male hating" movement.) This book would make it appear that Hooks is the only person in all of feminism who preaches love, inclusion, and education for all. Buku ini diklaim bisa menjadi buku pegangan bagi orang-orang yang masih awam mengenai feminisme, dengan klaim bahwa buku-buku feminisme yang lain masih penuh dengan jargon yang kurang dimengerti oleh orang-orang yang masih awam mengenai feminisme. Ketiga, hal yang menurutku fatal dan berulangkali terjadi di buku ini dan membuatku akhirnya memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan buku ini, Bell Hooks seolah menyatakan bahwa seksualitas bisa dipilih. Hal ini terlihat jelas pada essay Politik Seksual Feminis: Etika Kebebasan Bersama.Yang paling fatal menurutku ada pada kalimat "Perempuan-perempuan heteroseksual yang memilih hubungan sesama jenis karena benar-benar merasa kecewa dengan laki-laki sekarang bergabung dengan para lesbian radikal." Buku ditutup dengan bab feminisme visioner yang bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang termasuk laki-laki beserta langkah apa saja yang bisa dilakukan. Ajaibnya, buku yang ditulis sekitar 2 dekade lalu ini masih relevan hingga sekarang.

Kedua, aku merasa buku ini terlalu dipenuhi dengan opini pribadi penulis dan 'self insert'. Kurang riset. Buku yang dijadikan rujukan pun malah buku lain yang juga ditulis oleh penulisnya, Bell Hooks dan hanya sedikit buku dari penulis lain. anti-choice advocates, like the ones that hooks condemns as being "anti-woman, & therefore anti-feminist" have been making a lot of in-roads in trying to convince women that they may suffer long-term negative helth effects from having abortions. they have created the false psychological condition known as "post-abortion stress syndrome" (rightfully unrecognized by psychological authorities) & have falsely linked abortion to breast cancer & infertility. these are all scare tactics designed to intimidate women out of pursuing abortion. there is no legitimate medical evidence to support them. it is sad & enraging to see hooks repeat these myths, especially in a book aimed primarily at young or otherwise inexperienced-in-feminism people who may not be privvy to feminist attempts at countering these lies. En cuanto a por dónde empezar a leer libros feministas, es decir, de qué libros nutrirnos para tener una toma de conciencia feminista, “El feminismo es para todo el mundo” es una de las mejores opciones que vais a encontrar. Yo llego tarde a él, no lo conocía hace dos años cuando empecé a leer feminismos, y quizá por ese motivo a mí no me ha resultado un libro mágico y de descubrimiento. Sin embargo, sí es un libro mágico y maravilloso si acabas de empezar a leer feminismos, o has leído pocos, o no has leído desde la diversidad, y solo has leído feminismo blanco y europeo. «Antes de que las mujeres pudiéramos cambiar el patriarcado, teníamos que cambiarnos a nosotras mismas, teníamos que tomar conciencia.» hooks wrote Feminism Is For Everybody as a short, accessible introduction to feminist theory, designed to be read by all genders this book wants to provide both a primer to the question 'what is feminism?' and an argument for the enduring importance of the feminist movement today. Hematnya, feminisme ada untuk membuka dan menawarkan opsi kepada perempuan dengan upaya-upaya mengakhiri seksisme, diskriminasi gender, dan menciptakan kesetaraan.i remembered disliking this book quite a bit when i first read it ten years ago. but because i still respected hooks as a theorist & a writer then, i charitably assumed that the problem was the structure--that hooks just wasn't cut out to with elementary introductory primers. she has historically shone as a thinker when writing about the intersections between race & feminism, & her writing on this topic has not always been simple & easy to digest. so i thought perhaps having to wander so far into a different territory necessitating a radically different authorial voice, hooks struggled. Right at the beginning the author states that the book's goal is to provide an accessible "guide" to feminism for all.

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